Ways Into Prayer

Prayer lies at the very heart of the life of the Church and is the foundation of Christian discipleship. In prayer we relate to God with the whole of our being: with heart, mind, body and soul. Prayer will always be a journey of discovery where we continue to be surprised by God (Introduction, Ways Into Prayer).

The Spirituality Commission for the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark, in collaboration with the Anglican Diocese of Rochester, has produced Ways Into Prayer. Its purpose is to help us to develop and deepen our relationship with God. It is primarily intended for use in parishes, schools or group settings. Below you will find the downloadable and printable PDF files for the leader’s notes and guided prayer exercises. Printed copies of the full set are available for a £6 fee (plus postage) via the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis.

The Commission holds contacts of facilitators who may be available to help you to plan and to use Ways Into Prayer in your parish or community. Donations to cover expenses would be welcomed. Please click the button below to register your interest.

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‘We review our prayer not with any sense of judging how well we have performed. Instead we pay attention to what we felt, saw, shared, heard or understood during this time’.

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‘Bringing before God those you are holding in your heart and mind’.

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PRAYER And Creativity

'Creating can bring us into more intimate knowledge of the Creator God.'

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IMAGinative prayer

‘In imaginative contemplation we enter into Scripture using all of our senses.’

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‘It is in silence and stillness that we may ‘hear’ God with inner ears’.

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‘Look for the stirrings in your heart and the thoughts that have led to actions.’

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Praying with music

'Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise in the assembly of the faithful.'

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Prayer with the 5 senses

‘Using our senses helps us become more aware of God’s presence in everyday life.’

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‘The sacred word expresses our intention to consent to God’s presence and action’.

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‘Gazing at, or holding, an object can be a gateway to communion with God.’

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LECtio Divina

'Savouring the Word of God can lead us deeper into the mystery of God.'



'Contemplation of the Mystery of Christ truly present before us.'