General Resources
Daily Reflections for Lent 2023
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Our Diocesan Prayer
God our Loving Father,
pour out on us afresh
the gifts of your Holy Spirit.
Open our ears to hear your Word,
open our eyes to see your presence,
open our minds to understand your Wisdom
and open our hearts to be more available
for your mission
so that strengthened by your grace
we can truly be a sign and instrument
of your presence in our world today.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Year of Mercy Resources
A series of three leaflets for the Year of Mercy were prepared by the Bishops’ Conference Spirituality Committee. The format is based on Do you love me? A Practical Guide to Prayer and Spirituality (more on this can be found below). For more on the work of committee itself please click here.
Adoremus: National Eucharistic Congress
The bishops of England and Wales held a National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress in Liverpool in September 2018.
Eucharistic Congresses are gatherings of clergy, religious and laity which promote an awareness of the central place of the Eucharist in the life and mission of the Church. The last International Eucharistic Congress in England was held in 1908.
You can find some of the recorded talks and other materials on the Adoremus page of the Bishops’ Conference website.
CCRS and Spirituality
The Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS), offered via the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis, is a nationally recognised certificate comprising six core modules and two specialist modules. Individuals are welcome to audit the course (i.e. not do assignments) for own interest.
Two modules offered directly relate to the Commission: Prayer & Spirituality and Spirituality and Psychology. For more information on these, the course in general or to register email:
Schools of Prayer Podcasts
by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
More can be found under their respective headings in the 'Traditions' section of this website.
Do You Love Me?
Do You Love Me? is a response by the Bishops of England and Wales to many requests for a handbook on Christian spirituality. This is a pastoral document offering a practical guide to personal and shared prayer. It is not an exhaustive study of that rich and varied topic. Many of the great saints have left their own Testament and witness to the following of Jesus Christ. Each of these has its own validity and have stood the test of time.
The texts seek to provide a prayerful answer to the question posed by Jesus in the twenty first chapter of St John’s Gospel, “Do you love me?”, offering some aspects from the Catholic tradition in a reflective manner. All are invited to use it in furthering their relationship with the Lord in ways rooted in Catholic tradition.
It is written in an informal and approachable style, with attractive illustrations.
Do You Love Me? is a Pastoral document prepared by the Bishops’ Conference Spirituality Committee. Copies are available from the Catholic Truth Society, clicking here.